Cycling in Evia

Evia-Cycling break for adventurous souls

3 days

Evia-Cycling break for adventurous souls

Trip details
Arrival in Eretria
Circular cycling excursion to Gimno
Eretria - Oropos


  • 2 nights stay, possibility for additional overnights

  • 4*Hotel

  • Breakfast included

    Practical Info

    The car is not essential in order to reach Evia unless you have your bike with you.

    You can come from Oropos or from Chalkida by bus if you wish.

    If you choose to come from Oropos to Eretria by ferry, keep in mind that ferry tickets are not included in the package price. The ferries run often, approximately every hour. During summer months the frequency can be every half hour.

    The cost is 2.00 euros per person, per way and for the car 6.00 euros per way. No reservation is required, usually there is availability.

    Finally, there is the possibility to go to Eretria directly by bus. As soon as you arrive at Eretria, the hotel's minibus will come to pick you up from the local bus station.

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